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A bit of history

1 April, 1970

By virtue of the Director’s decree of the Zabrzańskie Zjednoczenie (Zabrze Mining Association), the Ośrodek Pomiarów i Automatyki was established. The center was administratively assigned to the Knurów Coal Mine (KWK ‘Knurów’), becoming its branch No. 45. This arrangement lasted until the end of September 1992.

1 October, 1992

By decision of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the founding authority, Branch No. 45 was made independent and transformed into a company named Ośrodek Pomiarów i Automatyki State Enterprise.

1 December, 1995

By decision of the Minister of Industry and Trade, Ośrodek Pomiarów i Automatyki State Enterprise was privatized and transformed into Ośrodek Pomiarów i Automatyki S.A. The shareholders of OPA PW S.A. include current and former employees of the company.
Since its inception, the company has been focused on development and improving the quality of its services, as evidenced by the following events:

In 1997

OPA PW S.A. implemented a quality management system in accordance with the PN-EN ISO 9001 standard.
Additionally, OPA PW S.A. was granted institutional expert status by the President of the State Mining Authority for hoisting equipment and explosion-proof construction equipment

In 2001

We received the ‘Medal of the Regional Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Gliwice’ for outstanding achievements in the field of economics, regional development, environmental protection, and the introduction of new solutions and technologies.

OPA Zabrze budynek 2

Technical facilities

We have a team of experienced, highly qualified engineering and technical professionals who conduct tests and measurements using equipment that meets regulatory requirements, with current calibration or verification certificates, and methods which are in compliance with applicable standards and regulations.

At the company’s headquarters, we have the following research laboratories:

  • high voltage – for periodic testing of protective equipment,
  • measuring instruments – for periodic calibration of measuring devices,
  • protective automation – for repairing and testing relays.

A bit of history

1 April, 1970

By virtue of the Director’s decree of the Zabrzańskie Zjednoczenie (Zabrze Mining Association), the Ośrodek Pomiarów i Automatyki was established. The center was administratively assigned to the Knurów Coal Mine (KWK ‘Knurów’), becoming its branch No. 45. This arrangement lasted until the end of September 1992.

1 October, 1992

By decision of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the founding authority, Branch No. 45 was made independent and transformed into a company named Ośrodek Pomiarów i Automatyki State Enterprise.

1 December, 1995

By decision of the Minister of Industry and Trade, Ośrodek Pomiarów i Automatyki State Enterprise was privatized and transformed into Ośrodek Pomiarów i Automatyki S.A. The shareholders of OPA PW S.A. include current and former employees of the company.
Since its inception, the company has been focused on development and improving the quality of its services, as evidenced by the following events:

In 1997

OPA PW S.A. implemented a quality management system in accordance with the PN-EN ISO 9001 standard.
Additionally, OPA PW S.A. was granted institutional expert status by the President of the State Mining Authority for hoisting equipment and explosion-proof construction equipment

In 2001

We received the ‘Medal of the Regional Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Gliwice’ for outstanding achievements in the field of economics, regional development, environmental protection, and the introduction of new solutions and technologies.