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Information about the company Measurement and Automation Center PLC
On 1 April 1970, Ośrodek Pomiarów i Automatyki Przemysłu Węglowego (Measurement and Automation Center for the Coal Industry) was established by order of the Director of Zabrzańskie Zjednoczenie Przemysłu Węglowego (Zabrze Coal Industry Union).
The center was administratively assigned to the “Knurów” Coal Mine, becoming its branch no. 45. This state of affairs lasted until the end of September 1992.
On 1 October 1992, by decision of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the founding body – the branch became independent and the enterprise named Ośrodek Pomiarów i Automatyki Przemysłu Węglowego Przedsiębiorstwo Państwowe (Measurement and Automation Center for the Coal Industry, State Enterprise).
As of 1 December 1995, by decision of the Minister of Industry and Trade, the enterprise was privatized and became the Measurement and Automation Center for the Coal Industry Joint-Stock Company (Ośrodek Pomiarów i Automatyki Przemysłu Węglowego Spółka Akcyjna).
During the General Meeting of Shareholders on 29 June 2018, the shareholders decided to change the company’s name to Ośrodek Pomiarów i Automatyki S.A (Measurements and Automation Center LLC)
The shareholders of OPA S.A. are current and former employees of the company.