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The origins of today’s OPA Zabrze are exceptionally intriguing. As is often the case, it all started with an idea born out of the need to refine and enhance the rhythmic operations in the mining industry.
Next, there had to be an organizer, specifically the Chief Director of ZZPW, who, by Directive No. 15/70 dated March 31, 1970, established OPiA at the Knurów Coal Mine.
The collaboration between the president, who has led the company for 25 years, and the team has resulted in a strong financial position and recognition within the industry in which OPA PW SA operates. Evidence of this success includes the following accolades:
• “Gazela Biznesu” awards in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2013, and 2014,
• “Gepard Biznesu” awards in 2012 and 2015,
• “Diamenty Forbsa” (Forbes Diamonds) in 2012,
• “Efektywna Firma” (Effective Company) in 2015,
• “Mocna Firma Godna Zaufania” (Strong Company Worth Trusting) in 2015.

These achievements would likely not have been possible without a dedicated team of collaborators and the collegial work atmosphere that has been fostered.


Safe Mining - OPA Zabrze

On behalf of the Management Board of the “Bezpieczne Górnictwo im. prof. Wacława Cybulskiego” Foundation (Safe Mining Foundation in Memory of Professor Wacław Cybulski”) operating under the State Mining Authority, I would like to extend our heartfelt thanks for your declaration of material support for our Foundation’s mission.
Thanks to your support, we can make progress towards achieving the Foundation’s statutory goals, particularly in enhancing safety in the Polish mining industry. We are grateful for your contribution to promoting general safety in mining, its development, and increasing awareness of workplace safety.
We also express our hope and confidence that our collaboration will further contribute to creating a positive image for your company.

SITG - OPA Zabrze

In connection with the recently concluded technical workshops organized by Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Górnictwa Oddział Gliwicko-Zabrzański (the Association of Mining Engineers and Technicians, Gliwice-Zabrze Branch), together with the SITG ‘Knurów’ Circle, I would like to extend my gratitude for your support of our initiative aimed at improving safety in the rapidly advancing field of electrical engineering equipment.
The workshop topic, ‘Modern solutions in occupational safety and health for electrical engineering devices and rational electrical energy management in mining,’ has, in the opinion of the participants, addressed the need to identify and eliminate new hazards effectively.

Bank Handlowy - OPA Zabrze

Crisis – what does it mean
A significant slowdown in economic growth is deeply felt by most entrepreneurs, with the construction industry experiencing particularly severe impacts. Decreasing investments are also limiting the activities of companies associated with the sector. Economists predict that the situation will gradually improve only by the end of the year. How are entrepreneurs and companies from various cities in the Silesian Voivodeship, who are clients of BS in Gliwice, managing during this crisis? Here’s what they shared with us

Bernard Hucz
President of Ośrodek Pomiarów i Automatyki PW S.A.

80% of our clients are large coal companies that pay according to the agreements made. We experienced a crisis ourselves between 2001 and 2004, when the company was on the brink of collapse. We had to undertake not only a financial restructuring but also the painful task of workforce reduction, which involved laying off large groups of employees.
This experience likely taught us caution and a focus on quality. Consequently, there is a high demand for our products, and our achievements have been confirmed by a recent audit of our quality management system. So, I am probably the last person who should comment on the crisis.