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We have the status of institutional expert granted by the President of the State Mining Authority in Katowice in the field of:

  • Group I – hoisting machinery,
  • Group II – extraction vessels,

  • Group III – suspensions of hoisting vessels and hoisting ropes,

  • Group IV – hoisting ropes,
  • Group V – shaft towers,

  • Group VI – rope sheaves,

  • Group VII – shaft reinforcement, including rigid guidance of hoisting vessels,

  • Group VIII – equipment for use in explosion-prone areas,

  • Group IX – electrical devices and equipment,

  • Group X – technical equipment.

Found images for query wug katowice

The company operates on the basis of an integrated management system certified by the TÜV NORD Polska Sp. z o.o. certification body in Katowice, which covers quality, environment, and occupational health and safety, based on the following standards:

  • PN-EN ISO 9001:2015,
  • PN EN ISO 14001:2015,
  • PN-ISO 45001:2018.

We are currently preparing the research laboratory for measurement instruments to obtain accreditation as a calibration laboratory for electrical measurement instruments in accordance with the standard 17025 “Management system for quality in testing and calibration laboratories.”

Integrated management system certificate